
Okay, now that I’ve been fully introduced to uni and the joys of sitting referencing for hours on end (I really hope you can understand why I chose my username by now) I’ve decided to concentrate on reading and writing again!


Actually, I’m not entirely sure why I bothered to write a whole blog post about this, except that I’m excited! I’ve already started work on another novel called A Spill of Ink. This one will be a horror 🙂 I’ve been a little bit stuck on the plot, but luckily for me I have been raised on Stephen King books by a father who also loves reading horror books, so my phone call to him went something like this:


Me: Dad, I wanted to do NaNoWriMo this year. But I got stuck. I have no way of finishing it on time, but still. 

Dad: What was your plot?

Me: Basically, it’s about a recluse with a typewriter.

Dad: What about… hang on let me think. Hmm, blood! How about it includes lots of murders and this could happen *SPOILER* and he could think this is happening but really there’s loads of murder.

Me: That sounds great. Hey listen…

Dad: And how about *vividly describes an idea for a really twisted plot twist*

Me: You are sick.

Dad: *Evil laugh.*


Honestly folks, my uni professor knows him as Stephen-King-Guy because he spent all of the open day appointment talking about the books in my professor’s room (I’m doing American Lit, so it isn’t much of a surprise).

But yeah, wait ’til you see the plot of this one. This is what happens when you pass horror books on to your kids.